I'm currently a Software Engineer at Polar Signals, a continuous profiling platform. I'm an open source enthusiast with a special interest for Web Performance and Startups.
I have also made Responsively App, an open source web browser that helps developers for responsive web development. It has got over 20K stars on GitHub and is used by over 5K web developers actively on a weekly basis, across the globe.
Previously, I worked for Joybird, Adapt.io and Owler with responsibilities across web performance, server-side rendering, backend scalability, kubernetes infrastructure and cloud cost optimization.
Outside coding, I love travel, hiking, books, motorbikes, and gardening.
A dev-tool that helps with faster responsive web apps development by emulating various screen sizes and providing a set of powerful tools to inspect and debug responsive layouts.
An eBPF based zero intrumentation continuous profiling platform for developers. It helps with getting a full picture of how your app performs in production and finding performance bottlenecks.
A tool that monitors the social media for your keywords and send alerts for new mentions.
A react library that help with interaction-based asset pre-fetching.
KubeDay India
December 8, 2023
This is an inductory talk about the concept of continuous profiling and how Parca can help users to profile your applications in production easily.